Visualizing the result with BNSPlots

The repository contains a subpackage called BNSPlots that contains useful convenience functions to easily display the results obtained from BoreholeNetworksSimulator.


plot_borefield(network, positions; distinguished_branches = [], colors = [])

Makes a plot of the borefield, showing the boreholes numbered and their connections.


  • network: Network specifying the connections between boreholes.
  • positions: The positions of each borehole.

Optional arguments

  • distinguished_branches: Vector of Int. If specified, the branches corresponding to the given values will be highlighted with the colors of colors.
  • colors: Vector of Tuples of Color. If specified, uses each pair of colors to define a color gradient to color each of the branches of distinguished_branches.
monitor(containers, branch, t; steps = 1:length(t), display = [:Tfin, :Tfout, :Tb, :q], Δt = :year, color_pair = (colorant"navajowhite2", colorant"darkgreen")

Creates a plot of the result of the simulation.


  • containers: The containers (SimulationContainers) containing the result of the simulation through simulate!.
  • branch: A vector containing the IDs of the boreholes whose data will be displayed.
  • t: The times at which the data corresponds. It should normally be options.t.

Optional arguments

  • steps: Index of the steps to display in the plot.
  • display: A vector describing which plots that will be generated. If :Tfin, :Tfout or :Tb are specified, a temperature plot will be created showing the inlet fluid temperature, the outlet fluid temperature, and the borehole wall temperature, respectively. If :q is specified, a separate power plot will be created shwoing the heat extracted per meter.
  • Δt: The scale of the x-axis in the plot. Possible options: :year, :month, :hour.
  • color_pair: A pair of colors used as extrema to generate a range of colors for each borehole.